Th​e Willows
A truly remarkable transformation of a 60's contemporary-style ranch into a turn of the century, shingle-style carriage house.
P​almetto Bluff
This newly constructed low country vacation home in South Carolina's prestigious Palmetto Bluff community is proof that when North meets South, unique things happen.
Hill Residence
After a major addition that opened the kitchen and the entire rear of the house to views the adjoining golf course and the abundance of light that came with it, the out-of-state owners wanted a more seasonally resilient, more formal appearance, and a more accommodating garage. The result is a timeless New England estate.
Altman Residence
Additions and alterations turned this New Canaan home into a timeless, shingle-style Southern New England shoreline classic.
Goss Residence​
After time, this mid-80's spec house proved to be uninspiring for it's owners. So, alterations were made to the exterior plus a complete overhaul of the kitchen and living spaces which helped accommodate their changing needs both visually and practically.​
Past Projects​
Some designs are timeless. Some are exactly what the client wants. Hopefully, they can be one in the same. Here is a quick look at a few other projects we've done in the past that fit that bill. ​